
ACNES Surgery 

I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the utterly lovely Professor Aali Sheen. I could not have been in better hands.

I contacted Professor Sheen because he is the UK’s leading surgeon for Abdominal Nerve Cutaneous Entrapment Syndrome, a little known but excruciatingly painful condition that was causing me severe disability and extreme distress.  

Professor Sheen was wonderful. He was very open-minded and explained everything clearly. Because my pain was at the very lateral border of the rectus abdominis on either side, after much consideration, we agreed on a posterior and anterior neurectomy. He gave me the time I needed to feel confident that this surgery was the right course of action and that it would yield results. The operation was scheduled very quickly and the care I received on the day was fantastic. When Professor Sheen came to visit me the day after, I was able to tell him that the appalling nerve pain that was preventing me from moving was no longer there. Three weeks later, with two very neat scars healing beautifully, I was able to start physiotherapy. It feels nothing short of miraculous. 

I would wholeheartedly recommend Professor Sheen to anyone struggling with ACNES. He is an extremely skilled surgeon and it is no understatement to say that surgery with him has given me my life back.

At the beginning of December 2022 I underwent laparoscopic repair for a right sided inguinal hernia, which was performed by Professor Sheen at the Manchester Spire.

Once I knew I needed this operation, I did some research to find who was best in this field. I chose Professor Sheen and I was not disappointed when I met him for my first consultation. At this meeting Professor Sheen was extremely professional, as he explained the procedure and the recovery process, his manner was very reassuring.  The turnaround was very quick, as Professor Sheen had a slot for the operation the following Friday.  The speed with which the Spire and Professor Sheen’s office worked to coordinate any pre-op requirements was impressive. 

On the day of the operation Professor Sheen and his anaesthetist visited me before and after the procedure to reassure me and check on my progress.  The Manchester Spire nursing staff were brilliant, both on the day of my operation and during any of my subsequent visits.

The laparoscopic operation was non-invasive and went very well, I went home the same day.  For the first 3 days I took Ibuprofen for the pain, but after that I slowly increased the distance I was walking each day.  It is now 6 weeks after my operation and I have been signed off by Professor Sheen, am back in the gym and playing golf.

I would recommend Professor Sheen and his team to anybody who requires a hernia repair.

Best regards

Nigel Bate

I recently underwent the Manchester repair for a left sided inguinal hernia, and removal of a lipoma, with Professor Sheen.

I chose to see Professor Sheen because of his extensive expertise and excellent reputation in the field. This was all borne out by my experience with him. From our first meeting Professor Sheen was extremely thorough and reassuring. He explained exactly what needed to be done and how it would be done, and I left our consultation confident in our plan. In my personal and professional experience, administration and follow-through are just as important as individual interaction, and I was very happy to find that the paperwork and planning all came through exactly as advised, and Professor Sheen’s office were very helpful when I called to clarify certain points. Although my scans for the lipoma were done previously at another hospital, Professor Sheen made the effort to get hold of them and look them over before my operation date.

Professor Sheen came to visit me on the day of my procedure and reiterated the plan. The rest of his team was equally efficient and professional on the day. The procedure went as hoped and Professor Sheen came by while I was in the recovery room, and to my room later in the day to check on my progress and clear my discharge. Over the next few weeks recovery went as hoped, and the few queries that I had were fielded expertly by Professor Sheen’s office. 

Things are going well now, better than I could have hoped, and I have been very impressed by Professor Sheen’s care, expertise, and organisation. I have felt well cared for by both himself and his team. I would highly recommend Professor Sheen. Thanks so much Professor Sheen, your clinical and professional care, and the team that you have assembled around you, are second to none.

Dr Ahmed 
General Practitioner

Prof Sheen carried out a bi-lateral sports hernia repair for me on March 1st 2019 after not being able to recover via rest and Physiotherapy. Whilst being a little sore fore a few days after surgery it soon became clear that something had been fixed ! After 3 weeks I was walking up to 5 miles with little pain, after 5 weeks I was doing some light running on fields. Now after 8 weeks I am road running again at a reasonable pace...pain free ! I would highly recommend Prof Sheen for any sports related groin injury. Mark Oliver. Flixton. Manchester

About a month ago I had two inguinal (groin both sides) hernias repaired by Professor Sheen. It was the first operation I have had and as the hernias weren’t bothering me I was a bit reluctant to have it, but the friend, a sports physician, who recommended Prof. Sheen to me pointed out several very good reasons why I should. In particular: they don’t get better on their own, and get worse with time, and the operation gets riskier as you get older, and they can sometimes give rise to a medical emergency in which case the surgery is not elective!

The operation was a breeze to be honest. I was a bit bruised and battered after the surgery particularly around the incision, which was small and just below the navel, but I didn’t need any painkillers. I felt generally stiff for a couple of weeks, but I only needed a week off work and could drive there (mind you it’s a desk job). After three weeks Prof. Sheen saw me again and signed me off. By the way here’s a tip. You’ll need some loose-in-the-waistband trousers to go home in after the operation and for a couple of weeks thereafter.

If there are any Private Pilots reading this: I reported the operation to my CAA doctor the day before I had it and of course my medical was suspended. After the review Prof Sheen copied the letter to my GP to me and I emailed it to my CAA doctor, who declared me fit. He did not need to see me. So I was only grounded for three and a half weeks. It’s illegal not to report it as I’m sure you know.

Later this year I’ll be back with Professor Sheen having my ventral (stomach) hernias repaired. It seems I have an abundance of hernias! I wouldn’t say I’m looking forward to it but I feel much more confident than I did about the first one.

John Forrest

I had my surgery in September 2018 and wanted to wait to review to make sure everything is healed and give a more mid-term outcome.

I was diagnosed with ACNES in 2013 and have been having injections every 3 – 6 months at pain management clinic. After 5 years the injections were no longer effective and I needed surgery.

I found Professor Sheen whilst searching for a surgeon that would do Abdominal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome (ACNES) surgery. Having approached many surgeons in my area , none had heard of the condition let alone would consider operating. I first emailed his secretary who emailed back very quickly to tell me that yes he did treat ACNES patients. I made an appointment at BMI Alexandra.

I was called in for my appointment a few minutes early and immediately felt welcome by Professor Sheen. We went through my history and, after a quick abdominal examination and questionnaire, he was confident that I did have ACNES and that surgery would potentially help (no surgery is guaranteed!)

I decided to go to BMI Alexandra for this as it was more convenient and I wanted the surgery as soon as possible. I organised a date via Professor Sheen's secretary

Arriving at BMI hospital I was greeted and taken to my room for the day. Professor Sheen and his anaesthetic team came to greet me and go through the operation and other checks.

Waking up from the operation (I have had 5 previous abdominal operations) the pain was minimal. I believe he used local anaesthetic in and around the wound which made a massive difference. Within an hour I was able to have a drink and then later on was able to get up out of bed. Glue was used on the outer wound and this healed amazingly well and was incredibly neat. I returned to work two weeks later.

I felt the benefit of the surgery a few weeks later once the wound itself had healed and inflammation had gone down. I returned to see Professor Sheen post operatively and we discussed that the surgery was successful at that time.

So, six months after the operation I can still say the surgery has worked really well. My pain has reduced a lot and I am so glad I had the surgery. I get the occasional twinge of discomfort from the tissue but it doesn't require any pain medication or intervention. My scar has faded and isn't really noticeable unless looking for it! ACNES seems to be a difficult condition to treat and I am forever thankful to Professor Sheen and his team for helping me!

I sought the help of Prof Aali Sheen, on the recommendation of a Sports Medicine colleague & some patient recommendations from my private physiotherapy clinic.

As an England Masters Hockey Player, I struggled through a World Cup in summer 2018, with my hernia & an associated adductor issue. The injury meant I could no longer play through the pain.

The care Prof Sheen provided me, from initial consultation to surgery & follow up care, was superb & he gave me 100% confidence the surgery would resolve my issues.

I am now 6 weeks post-op & am already running pain-free & have also stated playing hockey, which far exceeded my expectations for my recovery.

Many thanks Prof Sheen for all your help. The best in the business.

It is now some 4 weeks after you carried out the repair on my large adnominal hernia; all is well. and I can now return back to normal life!

Can I please take this opportunity to personally thank you for the manner in which you conducted your affairs during the process, and the quality of the service you have provided. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to the nursing staff of the Alexandra Hospital at Cheadle, who just exuded kindness and consideration.

I am very grateful to you all.

Duncan Aveyard

In January 2017 after 2 same day cancellations I had surgery for a right sided inguinal hernia at my local Hospital.
The recovery was painful but eventually I recovered and for a few months was back to normal, but then I started to experience pain again and was referred back to the hospital.

It then took a period of six months to get initial and follow up appointments with a consultant, who arranged and had analysed, MRI and Ultrasound scans the latter indicating small bi-lateral hernias.

However the consultant discounted the ultrasound result as being what he referred to as “false positives” (i.e. they probably don’t exist) and referred me on to another long waiting list to see the Chronic Pain Team which he claimed was the correct procedure in these cases.

Having had nearly 8 months of chronic pain during which I was unable to stand upright for more than 5 minutes I decided not to wait any longer but seek a second opinion.

After extensive research on line the Surgeon with a fantastic reputation for laparoscopic hernia surgery in the North West was Professor Aali J Sheen.

I rang his secretary and got an appointment to see Prof. Sheen the very next day. After explaining the problems I was having he examined me and diagnosed bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia without recourse to either MRI or Ultrasound scans. He then explained how he was going to sort it for me in friendly confidence boosting fashion.

True to his word three weeks later he successfully performed a laparoscopic bilateral inguinal hernia repair at the Spire hospital. After recovery from the general anaesthetic I was able to stand and walk freely without pain for the first time in 9 months.

It’s now about 8 pain free weeks since the procedure and I now walk around 5 miles each day in an attempt to get fit again.

I will be forever grateful to Professor Sheen and his Support Team for giving me my life back.

With Many Thanks
John Gaskell
April 2018

I sought out Professor Aali Sheen after ongoing and life changing problems from a prior surgeon and procedure involving mesh. Professor Sheen is a genuinely kind, caring, extremely skilled and knowledgeable surgeon, who takes the time to explain everything, including risk, uses all imaging facilities available and has a real interest in his patients ongoing wellbeing and quality of life.

Although mesh removal is not without risk, I am extremely grateful that after careful consideration, his surgical expertise and the considerable time he took in removing the mesh and tacks has already given me significant improvements and the start of a hopeful journey in restoring my quality of life. As expected some issues remain from the original surgery but I know he will do his very best in helping me regain as much of my quality of life as is possible and I know I am now in the best possible hands that I could ever have wished for and cannot thank him enough.

I would have no hesitation in recommending Professor Sheen and my only regret is I didn't find him sooner.

July 2017